Mindset Matters: Transforming Excuses into Exceptional Results
Growth Starts Here: Episode One
Join us for our first Growth Starts HereTM podcast. Today we are tackling mindsets that keep us stuck, mastering the schedule-setting conundrum, and facing adversity head-on.
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Our guest is Jasen Edwards, an entrepreneur, life and business coach, and bestselling author of Done Before One, How to Work Smarter When You Work for Yourself.
His writing, coaching, and keynotes have helped thousands of self-employed professionals and small business owners across a wide range of industries break barriers of business growth.
Jasen’s rise to success is full of grit and mindset mastery. After dropping out of college with no plan for the future, with acne on his face and no air conditioning in his truck, he got his Texas real estate license. He would soon be named on the Austin Business Journal’s Top 50 agent list and was featured on the cover of REALTOR magazine before he turned thirty.
His coaching, writing, and keynotes have helped thousands do what they thought was impossible: charge above-average fees for their work, enjoy time off, and experience the freedom they dreamed up.
If you’re ready to drop the excuses to live in exceptional results, this is the episode for you!
Show Notes
3:00: Big Idea from “Done Before One” Get your most important work done before 1:00 p.m. and why this concept drives success. How traditional “routine-setting” is often misdirected advice.
11:26: Mindset Mantras: So many things are driven from a broken mindset or an empowered mindset. Jasen’s “set your mind” concept and building momentum into your day from the jump.
18:06: Deciding to practice stepping into overcoming energy “vampires” by “setting our minds” in a different direction. It’s a choice and life will give us opportunities to practice this often. Get ready! Start in the morning when you have a “fresh charge.”
24:30: Starting your day with momentum. Stopping the excuses and breaking habits that are hurting you.
33:17: Activation Energy. What this is and how it can be framed as a great practice for your own life. Jamie shares a few personal examples!
41:18: Putting yourself first is a GOOD thing. “Love to. Can’t now.”
51:00: Few personal recommendations from Jasen to help you continue on your growth journey including the book, “EXCUSES BEGONE!”
- Buy Jasen’s Book: Done Before One
- Connect with Jasen Edwards: jasenedwards.com
Contact Jamie Matusek to be a guest on the podcast or to discuss ways Bloom Communications can help your business grow: hello@bloomcommunications.com

Meet the Guest
Jasen is a life and business strategist for entrepreneurs who want to build a high-performing, sustainable business, without sacrificing the rest of their life. He runs private and group coaching sessions, produces online training programs, delivers motivational keynote talks and is the author of two books; The Top Producer Life, How To Build The Real Estate Career of Your Dreams in Any Economy and Done Before One, How To Work Smarter When You Work For Yourself. Connect with him at jasenedwards.com or @jasnedwards on social media.